“Hark the herald angels sing!”…..I’ve finally got the presents for the children sorted. Father Christmas has his sack packed and I’m pretty much there.
Just the rest of the family to buy Christmas presents for now!
But where to start? I suppose my husband really should be at the top of the Christmas present list. But what do you get a husband who is married to everything he could possibly want in his life?!!
He did give me an idea or two last night, mind you. I was woken up by him leaning over me, talking in his sleep. And what do you think I heard him say? Was he proclaiming his undying love for me? No. Or maybe having a nocturnal fantasy about Kylie? No. My husband simply asked “What am I going to do with the strawberries?”. No word of a lie, this is actually what he said. Strawberries. Quite sweet in a bizarre way. Although if he was dreaming about Kylie when he asked that question then that puts a whole different connotation on it…..

I like to think his mind was on the garden allotment we are preparing for next year and he was deciding on what jams and preserves he’s going to make from our harvest. So I’ve had a look at the Grow Your Own section for the perfect Christmas present for him but can’t decide between a planter, raised vegetable bed or cold frame. Or I could push the boat out and get him a mini greenhouse. Who said romance was dead?! Still, it’s something to ponder on.
And it does beat the dictionary a friend was given by her husband for a Christmas present last year…now that would be divorce.

Now, what about my mother-in-law? She may be enjoying a new lease of life thanks to her new hip – you should see her jogging to the shops now – but her garden is still her haven. And after all that physical exertion what better way for her to enjoy some quality down time than relaxing on a fabulous garden arbour, the perfect spot to take the weight off her hip with a good old cup of tea. A little extravagant for a Christmas present maybe but she’d definitely like it – and there’ll be no stopping her putting it together now either.

Two things spring to mind when I think about my sister and her husband. They love being outside. And they love wine. So I’ve put those two things together and decided I can’t go wrong with a picnic hamper that comes complete with wine glasses and bottle opener. And if I throw in a pub walk guide to help them fill in their time either side of their picnic, job done. That was easy.
OK, time for a break. The Christmas present ideas for the family are going well but I don’t want to overdo it. And I need to go and write my present ideas list to give to my husband – and there won’t be a cold frame in sight…..
If you need inspiration for ideas for your family’s Christmas presents then look no further than Jack. Plenty of ideas for anyone who loves to garden, anyone who just loves being in the garden or anyone who just has a passion for strawberries. And all at fabulous, competitive prices.
And don’t forget, only 24 shopping days to go…..have fun!