Protecting your plants from frost – How using a Polytunnel can help

A polytunnel acts in a similar way as a greenhouse and provides a warm home for low crops during cold weather spells. A polytunnel can protect against frosts and increase the longevity of your plants. Most people will recognise the semi-circular shape of a polytunnel without knowing the correct name for this garden product.
Frosts and cold weather cause the water in plant cells to freeze which damages the cell wall. It is easy to spot frost damage on a plant; their growth will become limp, blackened and distorted. A polytunnel can prevent frost damage and are extremely affordable. They are ideal for gardeners without greenhouses or if you have bed plants that you do not want to uproot and move.
What is a polytunnel?
A Poly tunnel is essentially a polythene sheet supported by a row of metal hoops that you can place over your plants. The tough UV stabilised polyethylene forms a complete barrier against the cold, it retains humidity and warmth and fully protects your plants from harsh weather and frosts.  A polytunnel normally has a door at each end to allow easy access to your plants. The door also provides good ventilation that can be adjusted depending on the temperature.
Polytunnels allow you to protect a large number of plants for a relatively low cost in comparison to buying a greenhouse. Made from polyethylene they are extremely durable and unlike the glass panes on a greenhouse will not shatter or become hazardous to children.
A polytunnel not only protects your garden from the frost but also enables you to extend the growing period of plants thanks to the warm temperatures within your tunnel.
Visit Jacks Garden Store to find a fantastic range of polytunnels and garden cloches that will provide your plants with essential frost protection during the cold winter months.
Good Luck
Gardener Jack!

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