Wriggly Worms : Organic Worm Farming

Wormeries are a box system that contain composting worms who devour your kitchen waste and newspapers, creating fantastic food for your indoor and outdoor plants.
Wormeries are an extremely easy, convenient and environmentally friendly way of recycling your kitchen waste and reducing the amount of rubbish you send to land fill. They also provide you with free compost!!

How does a wormery work?

A Wormery is divided into chambers, Tiger worms live in one of these chambers. Each day you simply deposit your kitchen waste into the bin and let the worms do the rest. The worms will feed on your waste and convert it into concentrated liquid feed and bi-rich organic compost. Tiger Worms are the most efficient type of worm, they spend their entire lives in dark, moist habitats. In your wormery they eat all of the waste produce you put into the wormery and convert this into liquid feed for your plants. Tiger worms are native to the UK and can often be found at the bottom of your garden in an old compost heap as this is their natural habitat.

What can I put into my Wormery?

  • All organic food waste from your kitchen and garden.
  • All fruit, vegetables, flowers and leaves.
  • Teabags, Coffee grounds
  • Egg shells
  • Waste paper – newspaper, tissue, kitchen towels, card, cardboard.
  • Twigs, grass cuttings

What to AVOID putting in your wormery

  • All animal produce – meat, fish, dairy produce, fat, egg yolk and white
  • Bread, Cake, Biscuits and pastry
  • Any cooked food
  • Faeces
  • Plastics

What will my Wormery produce?

A rich, strong nutrient liquid feed which you will be able to dilute with water and then use as plant food for all of your garden flowers, shrubs, vegetables, lawn and also on the plants inside your home.
Your worms will be producing an organic compost out of your waste products!

Will a Wormery smell?

Thankfully, no. The worms consume your waste goods pretty pronto therefore eliminating any nasty whiffs. Make sure you buy a unit with a sealed lid – this also helps.

Where should my wormery be kept?

Ideally outdoors in the summer in a shady spot, then when winter arrives your wormery is best moved into your shed. The former is the ideal setting for your wormery, however, if you are unable to house your worms outdoors or in a shed do not worry. Your tiger worms are pretty sturdy little souls and if housing somewhere else is more convenient as long as you keep the wormery out of direct sunlight or freezing conditions you should be fine. Most people tend to keep their wormeries outside near to their back door, in the shed or garage or alternatively indoors in the kitchen or utility room.

When will I start seeing results?

The Wormery is an extremely quick and efficient production centre. Within 8 weeks you will see results and start receiving liquid plant feed.
A handful of waste will on average take 6-8 weeks to turn into compost. Some however like to wait until the whole wormery is nearly full before emptying the compost. If this is the case and you are planning to add food everyday it will take between 9-12 months for a bin full of organic compost.
Wormeries can be purchased online in our store, they range in size enabling you to purchase the one most suitable for the amount of waste your family has on a daily basis.
Happy Composting,
Gardener Jack

About the author

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