Your patio can be a lot of fun especially when the weather gets nicer because it would be a great time to start cooking outdoors or host parties with your friends. Keep your guests and friends shaded from the summer sun if you plan on hosting a party outside. Even with a tight budget, you can still impress them with these outdoor patio shading options. You don’t have to go and buy elaborate, expensive materials to impress your guests. Plants, Shrubs, Trees and Vines
If you want to host parties on your patio every year, having trees, shrubs and plants not only add beauty to the appearance of your garden but also serve as a nice source of shade. If you are thinking about which trees, shrubs or plants to put in your garden, make sure to pick the ones that grow fast and have dense foliage to provide more shade. It would also be better if they are pest-resistant – there are several pest-resistant plants and trees available.
However, knowing that it takes time for trees and plants to grow, and if you already have existing trees in your garden, why not bring your patio to the trees? That way, you don’t have to wait too long and the costs go down as there is no need to buy any seedlings for new plants and other planting materials. Eco-friendly
For those of you who are ecologically conscious, having solar shades installed are a great choice and it helps with cutting down your electricity bills. These particular shades can block heat and help keep it from entering your home. In short, they provide shade and cool the area, especially on your patio. Retractable or Canopy Awnings
An awning is usually a sheet of fabric or canvas that is stretched on a frame and is used to keep the sun or rain off a patio, window, doorway or deck. You can find several varieties of awnings. Umbrellas
You can get umbrellas that are free-standing or that are designed to fit on a patio table. They can be a great option for providing shade on the patio without spending too much money. They come in many colours and they definitely won’t break the budget. Adding Pergolas and Gazebos Perfect pergola for shading your patio with honeysuckle
This may seem to be a costly option, but this is another way of providing a shady spot in your garden. A pergola is made of wood or treated material and provides an archway to your garden that you can let plants grow around. Gazebos can be expensive but they are perfect for a romantic setting in your garden.
Whatever you choose for shade, make sure to pay close attention to where the sun hits your patio especially during different times of the day.
You can also opt for a combination of shades. The possibilities are limitless – just leave it to your imagination.
However, if you want some tips in designing your patio, you can always find a lot of resources over the internet without hiring a designer. Just make notes of what you can work with and how you want your patio to look and be ready to entertain your guests even under the hot summer sun. About Markilux:
Markilux – has you covered with a range of durable and beautifully designed outdoor shading systems to help you make the most of your outdoor area. Bringing together the best in design, functionality and architectural style with 40 years experience in technical research and innovation