Tag: keeping chickens
Should you keep chickens?
13 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
Keeping chickens in your garden is a fast growing trend in the UK. Over the past decade the price and taste of fruit, vegetables and eggs have changed enormously. Today the eggs and so called fresh produce found in the supermarket is far more expensive and taste much worse than it used to. If you […]
Chicken Breeds – Choosing the right type
17 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
Are you interested in raising chickens at home and producing your own eggs? Keeping chickens is a great hobby that the whole family can get involved in however it is important that you do your research first to make sure you buy the right chickens for you. There are 4 main reasons as to why […]
Keeping Chickens : Coping with the Coop
28 August 2009 - Jack Gardener
Ever fancied living the goodlife? If so, you are not alone. Keeping chickens is a great way to do this. One of the fastest growing hobbies in the UK is producing your own food. With the onset of TV programmes by celebrity chefs emphasizing the benefits of real home grown food, last year saw the […]