Tag: greenhouses
Carrot & Ginger Splash Followed by a Pepper & Grapefruit Cocktail, Add a Cherry, and That’s Your 5-a-Day Sorted!
12 April 2018 - Joanna Hazelton
All this talk of Michelle Obama’s aspirations for the good life with her 1,100 square foot vegetable ‘patch’ in the Whitehouse back garden inspired my husband and me to come up with various uses for vegetables the other night – as you do when the kids have gone to bed. And it was then I suddenly had a eureka moment.
Now, before I let you in on my fabulous idea you may see a theme developing following my earlier fruit picking blog. But suffice it to say this is my concession to healthy living and a very good one it is too I might add!
Carrot & Ginger Splash Followed by a Pepper & Grapefruit Cocktail, Add a Cherry, and That’s Your 5-a-Day Sorted!
- Joanna Hazelton
All this talk of Michelle Obama’s aspirations for the good life with her 1,100 square foot vegetable ‘patch’ in the Whitehouse back garden inspired my husband and me to come up with various uses for vegetables the other night – as you do when the kids have gone to bed. And it was then I suddenly had a eureka moment.
Now, before I let you in on my fabulous idea you may see a theme developing following my earlier fruit picking blog. But suffice it to say this is my concession to healthy living and a very good one it is too I might add!
Why Have a Greenhouse?
11 March 2013 - Joanna Hazelton
Greenhouses. Where to start. Big? Small? Wood? Aluminium? Glass? Plastic?
I was all set to browse the web to give you an in-depth guide as to what to look for in a greenhouse. Then, as luck would have it, I stumbled across an informative blog I’d forgotten Jack had written a couple of years ago entitled Jack’s Greenhouse Guide which details all the main points you need to consider. So that’s made my life a whole lot easier.
It got me thinking though. Why have a greenhouse at all? Well, lots of reasons really.
A Modern Woman’s Approach to Fruit Picking
27 September 2012 - Joanna Hazelton
OK, I’m going to have to admit it. I’ve never been one for getting my hands dirty in the garden. My sort of gardening is buying a few planters and sitting from the comfort of the lounger ‘advising’ my husband about what needs to be done.
However, I’m not completely inept in the garden. I can manage picking fruit from our fruit trees. And in the last few weeks I’ve had my work cut out with all the blackberries, pears, damsons and apples – all quite exhausting but it beats going to the gym!