Tag: cold frame
Jacks Guide to reviving your garden – Getting ready for the summer
27 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
With spring in full swing now is the time to get back out in your garden and get it ready for the summer months. After suffering one of the coldest winters on record your garden will have been affected far more than in previous winters. Top 10 tips 1. Most shrubs and small trees should […]
Get a head start on growing vegetables – March
12 March 2010 - Jack Gardener
If you are keen to grow your own vegetables this year, there is nothing to stop you getting started right now! To start your vegetable garden off at this time of year you will need to pre-warm your soil so that your vegetables will begin to germinate earlier than normal. Jacks top tip – “Hardy […]
Looking to grow plants in winter – Try a Cold Frame
11 December 2009 - Jack Gardener
A cold frame is a fantastic low cost item that enables you to keep less hardy plants alive during the cold winter months. They are often referred to as the halfway house between your greenhouse and garden. By definition a cold frame is an unheated garden box that acts like a mini greenhouse. This small […]
Top winter vegetables to grow in your garden.
27 October 2009 - Jack Gardener
Now that the lawn mower is safely stored away for winter you still have a few mild weekends ahead to spend time preparing your vegetable boxes before it gets too cold to potter outside. Putting in the hours now will allow you to produce brilliant home grown vegetables in the months to come. Start by […]