Tag: how to lay a shed base
Tips for Laying a Base for a Garden Workshop/Shed
15 June 2023 - Joanna Hazelton
Hurrah!! The days of our garden doubling up as a workshop are finally over!! No more lathe. No more hammers and saws. No more power tools and extension cables. Peace, quiet and calm has resumed. Our garden table has become an outdoor pizza preparing space again rather than a workbench and we can now look […]
Jacks guide: How to build a shed base.
21 June 2010 - Jack Gardener
All garden sheds require a strong and sturdy base. If you are planning to build a new shed in your garden you must ensure that you have a level sound base for it to go on. Always remember that your new shed requires a level and dry foundation, if the base area is not level […]