Tag: grow your own herbs
Simple tips on growing your own indoor herb garden
6 April 2010 - Jack Gardener
Contrary to popular belief you can grow herbs indoors and they will taste just as fabulous as if they were grown outdoors. Home grown herbs taste so much better than shop bought herbs and there is no comparison in the taste of freshly grown herbs to dried herbs which offer a bland alternative. Growing herbs […]
Get ready for spring – Growing your own herbs
29 January 2010 - Jack Gardener
Now is the time to begin planning your herb garden. Although it is still pretty cold outdoors, if you look closely in some gardens you will begin to see new signs of growth in their herb beds. If you don’t mind braving the cold now’s the time to tidy up your beds, pot up autumn […]
Wonderful Winter Window Boxes
12 October 2009 - Jack Gardener
In summer your window boxes add an area of vibrant colours to the exterior of your house, however as winter draws closer and those flowers end for another season why not put your window boxes to some good use and grow winter salad to bring your veg patch to your own back door! Not only […]